Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Weekend work and play

Saturday was a very exciting and somewhat chaotic morning. Remember the sisters who's girls had their cleft lip repairs? Well, they and 2 of our little boys who had bilateral club feet repairs went home. It was quite a chaotic morning but it was great to see them all disappear home! After that the ward was quite quiet so I joined in a few games of uno with the young lads on the ward.
We have a slight lack of nurses crisis right now so we have all been doing extra shifts, and covering for a few sick people. As the ward was quiet we were able to give some of the nurses some time back so I manned A ward from 3 til 7pm on my own. It was lovely though. The patients told me before I left I had done a very good job ;-) That made me laugh lots, I think the were happ because I had chance to play UNO again with them!
Every Saturday morning we have a team of people come and do a ward activity. It's great fun! The middle of the ward is set up with huge tables and table cloths, crayons, scissors and whatever else might be needed. For 2 and a half hours kids and adults, patients and carers come and sit and painstakingly colour and cut and stick. You have never seen such a great sight. They all just love to do stuff like that so much, so they all coloured then cut out a picture of africa which they then made into a jigsaw. They were all so proud. The people who couldn't get out of bed we gave things for them on their beds. One of my patients who is a pastor spent ages colouring his picture so perfectly. I can't get over how many of the normal things we do the just haven't had opportunity to do!

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