Sunday, 25 May 2008

My roommates, or at least for one more week :(

So these are the mottley crew of cabin 3431 (I think, I still can't remember my room number and it's been 2 months!). They are each in their own right awesome and I love 'em. i am the longest standing member of the cabin so far, I have a week on a few of them. On the left my Irish bud Jane, then the lovely Laura from the USA with surname inpronouncable, me, Therese of Norway, and Kristina the petite from Sweden. Bless them all! We have great times together, and sadly Kristina and Therese will be leaving us soon, so to anyone who will be joining Laura, Jane and me, prepare yourselves!.
We have a very entertaining 'teaching' programme going through our cabin. Laura and Kristina decided that I was very 'proper' and that when I spoke I sounded very sophisticated (yes, to all my family and friends you have permission to tell the people reading this the actual truth). So I am apparently teaching them to be 'proper' (Laura to use a knife not just a fork...'nuff said), we are all giving Kristina an 'English word for the day' which is taped to her wall in an effort to increase her vocabulary with completely useless but very exciting words. 'Wellies' 'biodegradable' to name but a few, and what's even better is that each word picked has a story.
So there you have it. my 'family'. They are lovely.

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