Looking at these pictures you could be forgiven for thinking this little girl is not the one I spoke about in a previos entry. Yeme is the little girl who arrived with extensive neurofibroma to her leg, and a smaller one to her head (you can see it in this picture!). She is a little girl who I wrote about as a scared, frightened little girl, with no English to speak of, left at the Ship's Mercy to have her surgery, with no caregiver with her.
This little girl had a 7kg smelly ulcerated tumor extending from upper thigh to mid calf removed in surgery. She walked hunched over, unable to lie or sit, constant ooze from her wounds. Since her first surgery this little girl has truly become a gem and a shining light in the ward.
She now stands tall for most of the time, her limp lessening by the day. Her frightened look is now replaced with the cheekiest of grins, and her tears replaced with th emost delightful and infectious laugh. She loves to peer around the door frame and giggle whilst we hand over. She has become queen bee at making bracelets, and at plaiting barbie dolls (and nurses!) hair! she is beautiful and becomes more so by the day. She will soon be having surgery for a skin graft to a small patch on her leg that needs a bit of help along the way to heal, and her characteristic lump to her head will be removed. This young girl is such an inspiration, makes me wonder how I complain about such little things as I witness her plight daily!
1 comment:
Hi Grace, Love you lots. Finding emails/ telephone aren't getting through to you! Keep up this wonderful work.
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