Monday, 7 July 2008

Baby Greg update...

Baby Greg who has been quite sick has had a good weekend. In fact, on Sunday when I went to ward church, I found out that he had actually had a bottle feed and had spent several hours on nasal cannulae rather than the CPAP mask. A pretty exciting moment for us all, and quite frankly, a miracle in his little life. He is still ill adn only time will tell how he will do, but for now, his Mama and Papa can rejoice in these miracles.
Last week, Greg's Mama had wanted to share her testimony with us, but Clementine one of our crew who runs ward church said she could share the next week as we didn't have time left. Several of us were pretty distressed, thinking that Greg may not be here this Sunday, and that his Mum would not have had a chance to share her thanks to God despite everything. I guess we all learned that sometimes God wants us to hold back until the right time and we need to trust the wisdom of others, because this week Greg's Mum had an amazing opportunity to rejoice for God's hand at work in her baby's life.

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