Thursday, 3 July 2008

Thyroidectomys........ Eeeeeeeeeeek!

Ok so, along with the new 'general surgeries' has come thyroid problems. Around here, thyroid problems are not uncommon. For me, this probably has to be one of the most nerve racking post op care situations...
Thyroidectomys involve removing massive swelling from peoples necks. Because of where the surgery takes place the airway is something that has to be carefully thought about. Having not been party to caring for such a patient before I was given lots of information on what to look for, incase bleeding or a drop in calcium occured. There is the potential for massive bleeding in the neck which can occlude the person's airway pretty quickly (ie less than a minute). You have to keep an eye on swelling so that if needed you can open up the incision line straight away there at the bedside...
Hmmm...not so keen on that idea I can tell you. So I guess you could say i am learning new skills at the very least...

Oo, in case you wondered, my patient was fine, all went to plan and I didn't have to get my scalpel out - thank the Lord!!

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