Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Inspired by Play-Doh

Sometimes the nurses from the ward are asked to go and run a ward activity instead of their usual nursing duties. This is a great time for the patients and great fun for us too. So, just recently Ali (of 'Team Awesome...') decided to go for a PLay Doh creation story experience. She gave the patients and relatives/carers that wanted to join in a lump of play doh. After explaining to them how God created everything from nothing, and encouraging them to think about the fact that He created us too, she gave them a 'small thing' (a lump of play-doh)to create 'something'. Ali asked and the rest of the nurses to use their imagination and create whatever they liked.
So began the creations, a little nervously at first but soon the budding artists were producing things fast. Snakes, spiders, cooking pots, huts... Not a cat, dog or person in sight!! It just struck me what a different context and environmental influences we have.

1 comment:

Veesiree said...

that's awesomeeeee! i got to re-live the joys of play-doh with one of my adopted patients, sadiatu. rather, i just took all the play-doh from her and played with it. =D but, then she would take it back and mash all my beautiful (i'm not biased, honest) creations into blobs. i'm not bitter at all. =P how are you doing? i love you!