Friday, 20 June 2008

John and David Smith

Have you ever thought any Liberians would be called John and David Smith??!! well, aside from the names, this father and son combo have a pretty neat story, a story which is not uncommon here, and just another of those quirks you would never see at home, and is just another reason why I love it here.
John is 6 and had a club foot repaired. The night he arrived he was like a whirling dirvish leaping around and waving and giggling at us all in absolute excitement. An absolute poppet. Dad came as his caregiver to his appointment pre operatively, and as John was being assessed, the surgeon noted a largish growth on David's (Dad's) finger. In true Mercy Ships form, the surgeon said, would you like to have that off while you're in, it's only a 15 minute job...Two patients for the price of one! So both Dad and son had their surgery on the same day, and then David has continued to look after his slightly more subdued son!
That leads me to another great moment. John was really grizzly and we were really trying to distract him and get him focused on an activity so, we brought out colouring books and crayons (always a massive hit!) hoping he would be interested. Sadly not, but he settled down for a nap. Instead, Dad took up the crayons and book, and began to colour. Time and time again adults will just love to colour and take so much time over it. It still just touches my heart to see something so simple, be so interesting and even therapeutic to people here. It really makes me think how much we take for granted.
When was the last time you really took time to enjoy, and concentrate on one seemingly insignificant task or activity, and truly enjoy it for what it was?

So here's a challenge for you, pick something you do often, slow down and think about it. Enjoy it for it's simplicity. What have you not noticed about that activity that you haven't thought about before? What does it give you the time and space to think about?

Go one, I dare you, I did it when I was doing my laundry of all things, put a whole different spin on the whole thing. Very random!

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