Friday 5 September 2008

Missionaries of charity

As time is drawing to a close for me here, i am still trying to do as many things as I can...
I went again to Missionaries of Charity this week and we have 3 new very very tiny babies :)
Tene is a baby who came in at a mere 1kg in weight. His Mama came to the sisters of charity very sick, apparently not with HIV however. She died 2 weeks after she arrived. The babies father was around but has not been seen since the mother died. The sisters are focusing on trying to help the baby become strong and healthy and they will try and get him back to his father. Even in 2 weeks he has become much stronger, and with a very precarius weighing method on kitchen scales I managed to weigh him this week and he is now just over 2kg which is really so much better. One of the girls who came for a short time was a paediatric nurse so gave the sisters some advice on adding some oil to his feed to build up his fat stores somewhat.
There are also a set of twins that have been taken in who are basically malnourished. It is very difficult sometimes to appreciate the way of thinking here. One of the twins is doing better than the other so the mum has been spending all her time nurturing and cuddling and feeding taht one. The other one she ignores. She was trying to feed it with a bottle with a split teet which meant the milk was going everywhere, so instead of doing anything else she just stopped feeding the child! We were quite upset so asked the sisters to talk to her, which she did thankfully and mum was shown how to feed her properly. It seemed she has really just 'given up' on the smallest baby.
I am continuing to be amazed at the improvement of some of the children. One young boy probably around 7 or 8 was so listless and fragile just a few weeks ago, with open sores on his body. This week, although he was very shy, he was interacting, able to hold his own body weight and even sneaked out a smile as we did face paints :)

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